Song of the Black Falcons
written and composed by Maelgrim Cedaur

The dome of diamonds glitters above:
A night sky clear and dark.
We march through the night
And dismember our foes,
For the Black Falcons hunt on this night.

By night we do strike, and it suits us all well;
We don't fight fair anyway.
We run through your camp
And we steal all your food,
For the Black Falcons dine on this night.

Woe! Woe! for our clueless young foes;
Too late to make a retreat!
We march through the night
Seeking war and good fun,
The Black Falcons are we.

A pale silver moon watches over our hunt
She laughs at our pranks and jests.
While you soundly sleep
We shall pilfer your flags,
For the Black Falcons quest on this night.

Woe! Woe! for our clueless young foes;
Too late to make a retreat!
We march through the night
Seeking war and good fun,
The Black Falcons are we.

Hard mercenaries are we: shadow warriors.
We've mastered sword spear and bow.
Small matter is it,
'Cause we always backstab,
For the Black Falcons cheat on this night.

When making merry at the noblemen's feast,
Our garb is always the best.
We're cooler than you,
'Cause we have proper clothes,
And the Black Falcons gloat on this night.

Fie! Fie! on the rules of the duel,
We fight as demons possessed.
Our iron and steel
You all soon shall feel,
The Black Falcons are we.

Perhaps, we should mention that we're not all bad;
We often give to the poor.
Of course, it's at night,
So we rob them as well,
But the Black Falcons are generous.

Fie! Fie! on the rules of the duel,
We fight as demons possessed.
Our iron and steel
You all soon shall feel,
The Black Falcons are we.

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